Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jozie's - The new name

I am happy to announce the new name for MY Devonshire Homemade Clotted Cream to a name that truly reflects on the history & tradition of this fine product.

My mum, Josephine who comes from Amersham, London, was called Josie (pronounced as Jozie) by her parents since 1957.  She had fond memories of having tea in Devon with granny & grandad which included home baked scones, Devon-shire clotted cream & strawberry jam.

Jozie's Homemade Clotted Cream is dedicated to that memory.  (Love you Mama!!)

 I'm also happy to share that Jozie's is now available in TIPSY BREW O' COFFEE @ Setiawalk Puchong as part of their afternoon tea set.

I will update when more cafes start to serve Jozie's.

(updated - 16May2016)